15 de octubre de 2011

Old stuff

The train stopped
when I took you there,
while flying with us
to that certain place.

Shadows of darkness
ghostly todays,
carrying some hope
into our space.

'Oh where art thou, honey?'
So did you ask yesterday,
'Where the fuck are you darling?'
as if we asked this today.

I stood on my feet,
with a shallow defeat,
I remained on my own,
here, you idiot, by thee.

(Otoño 2009 aprox.)

2 comentarios:

pequeñorocknroll dijo...

Am I mistaken o he asistido al proceso de elaboración? ;)

Tiny dancer dijo...

pues, no sé... ni me acordaba de haberlo escrito, igual te lo enseñé en su día!